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Momentum West 2017 Annual Luncheon
Momentum West 2017 Annual Luncheon
March 8, 2017
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CST
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Event Description:
Featuring Janet Ady, President of Ady Advantage
An experienced marketing strategist who knows how to reach expanding and relocating companies, talent, and stakeholders with compelling messages that promote business investment and growth.
Janet Ady's passion is business-to-business market and economic development. As president of Ady Advantage, she has led marketing initiatives for a wide range of organizations. Ultimately, her work helps to strengthen existing businesses, enhance the quality of life, attract new and expanding businesses, and retain and attract talent.
Janet's background is in market research and strategy development. In that capacity, she has conducted over 2,500 in-depth qualitative interviews with business and technical decision-makers across a broad swath of businesses. Her knowledge of multiple industries allows her to provide value to individual businesses as well as communities and regions targeting specific sectors.
She also brings an in-depth knowledge of the site selection process, especially in terms of understanding what factors are evaluated during each step along the decision-making process and how to optimally position places and develop compelling, differentiating messages. In this way, Ady Advantage brings both the science of the art to economic development marketing.
Janet consults on many aspects of economic development marketing, including agribusiness strategies, rural economic development strategies, marketing planning, economic development branding, and websites.